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A Word from Calvin & Susie's Mommy
When Calvin and Susie joined our family as wriggly, blond balls of fluff in 1999, I knew nothing about pet care. But one thing I wasn’t worried about was what to feed them. Why would I? I just had to go to the supermarket and pick up a bag that said “Puppy Food”. Boy, was I wrong.
Even though he was a growing puppy, Calvin was not an enthusiastic eater. He would bounce over eagerly at mealtimes, but he would very often walk away without finishing his food. When he turned about 7 months old, he began refusing his food all together, and no amount of hand-feeding would coax him to eat. He didn’t appear sick – he was still an energetic little youngster full of life and mischief -so I finally turned my attention to the food itself. For the first time, I wondered what exactly was in the food that my babies were eating day in and day out. And so began my research into pet foods that still continues to this day, and the reason why my dogs’ name sake store opened its doors in 2010 on Kapahulu Avenue.
Two more golden retrievers, Tommy and Emma, joined our family in 2005, and a tiny terrier mix and a golden retriever mix in 2015. Needless to say, all my dogs eat very well now – foods with good clean ingredients. And Calvin actually turned out to be a hearty eater after all, and quite the opposite the picky puppy he used to be, tucking into his bowl with gusto and smacking his lips afterwards.
Born together as littermates, Calvin and Susie also left us for the Rainbow Bridge in the same year – 2012. But the lessons they taught me, and our staff’s ongoing dedication to researching all things pet care, continue to serve our customers on the beautiful island of Oahu.
Since we opened, our customers’ support and loyalty have been simply astounding, beyond our wildest expectations. So, in marking our 5-year anniversary, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank our customers for all that they do for us:
Thank you for the manapuas, chocolates, homebaked cookies, Halloween pumpkins, and for your kind words of encouragement throughout the years. But most of all, Thank you for caring about the same things that we do, and thank you for being the most awesome mommies and daddies to your beloved animals.
We hope to continue to serve you for many more years to come. Thank you for being a part of our Calvin & Susie family.
Mommy to Calvin, Susie, Tommy, Emma, Sera and Henry
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